Are you still logging to AWS directly through AWS CLI?

Marcin Sodkiewicz
2 min readFeb 10, 2024


If you are not already using it, just go and install You will thank me later.


I knew about for quite some time, but I was postponing to start using it. I don’t know why, I just had profiles set up and it was… okay. I just had to to export the profile in my command line.

It was too much when I changed computers and had to set up configuration with multiple SSO URLs and had to work on multi-account project.

Killer features

Apart from the normal things of this kind of cli tool like changing profiles, exporting AWS_PROFILE that you can integrate with your terminal to see on which account exactly are you. You can:

Open AWS Console from CLI
Open any of your profiles in the AWS Console in a dedicated multi-account container based on the Firefox add-on. WOW! I wasted so much time opening console and creating separate multi-account containers. Thanks to this, you can automate it with iTerm session and script it when you work on set of multi-accounts.

assume -c prod

Open AWS Console from CLI directly on service
I used Alfred for a long time and it worked great. The problem is when you are working on multiple accounts and Alfred always opens the service in a default browser… Which can be annoying. Assume offers something to solve this problem:

assume -s dynamodb

We can also open AWS Console directly on the service page using our current role.

Full list of supported services is here.


How can I start?

Just go to website. All guides and demos are there and they did great job to make it easy to setup.



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